MANNA Nourish Awards 2010 |
23rd Street Armory 22 S. 23rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19103
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Start: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:00 PM
End: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 9:30 PM
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Event Features: Arts Oriented, Benefits Charity, Dinner Included, Free Parking, Special Event
http://www.mannapa.org/nourish |
Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance (MANNA) will host MANNA Nourish Awards 2010, an inaugural fundraising event that supports MANNAs 20th anniversary of preparing and delivering nourishing meals to individuals and families with life-threatening illnesses. A deliciously lively supper party with amazing ambience, great music and dancing, as well as a temptingly extravagant raffle and art auction, MANNA Nourish Awards 2010 will also honor the achievements of MAC AIDS Fund and MAC Cosmetics, The Abramson Cancer Center at Penn Medicine, and R. Duane Perry, Founder, The Food Trust in a high-energy awards presentation. MANNA Nourish Awards 2010 are being co-produced by Evantine Design and Stephen STARR Events. Tickets are $250 per person.
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