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6th Annual Beer Fest at the Ballpark   view event

McFadden's Ballpark - Saturday, Sep 15, 2012  2:00 PM

Photographer: Joe Masciantonio   (97 photos; 125,430 photo views)

On a perfect weather day over hundreds of people enjoyed the 6th annual Beerfest at McFadden's Ballpark. Amazing beers, great food, live entertainment by Kenn Kweder and donations to PAWS made for a great event! Thanks to all who attended.

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Photo from 6th Annual Beer Fest at the Ballpark

Photo from 6th Annual Beer Fest at the Ballpark

Photo from 6th Annual Beer Fest at the Ballpark

Photo from 6th Annual Beer Fest at the Ballpark

Photo from 6th Annual Beer Fest at the Ballpark

Photo from 6th Annual Beer Fest at the Ballpark

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