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Summerfest Live! 2015 (Gallery B)   view event

Xfinity Live! - Saturday, Jul 25, 2015  2:00 PM

Photographer: Edward Jay   (230 photos; 303,264 photo views)

WHAT A DAY! Thanks to over 4,000 people that came out to what was one heck of a fun day. Over 225 beers from 125 breweries - games - contests - and more. Hope to see you at at Oktoberfest Live! on October 17th!

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Photo from Summerfest Live! 2015 (Gallery B)

Photo from Summerfest Live! 2015 (Gallery B)

Photo from Summerfest Live! 2015 (Gallery B)

Photo from Summerfest Live! 2015 (Gallery B)

Photo from Summerfest Live! 2015 (Gallery B)

Photo from Summerfest Live! 2015 (Gallery B)

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